About the Ideas Hub
Our Vision • Team • History
A key role of the Ideas Hub is to act as a listener, facilitator, enabler for the City of Chelmsford’s local communities.
– “For The Community, By The Community” –
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a permanent community space in Chelmsford for the community to carry on doing what the community needs.
Our focus
Our tools
Our resources
Our objectives

Our Team
Everyone is working on a volunteering basis
Our President: Leonie Ramondt
Our Trustees: Dr Paul Probert, Mr Malcolm Noble, Mrs Karen Fulcher, Mr Kevin Miller
Our CEO: Edith Miller- also grant writer, safeguarding lead and lead admin management
Our Legal Team: Deborah Aloba and Euzi Tofpik
Our Independent Examiner: Nicola Deackes
Our Mental Health Team: Edith Miller (MHFA), Tamar Millernas (MHFA), Christine Wilson ( MHFA young people/ coordinates parent support group), Zoe Clifford (MHFA), Jo Lodge (MHFA, coordinate LGBTQ+ support group)
Our Hosts Team: 90+ volunteers
The Art Place Team: Sofia Rojas, Aytac Uzmen, Elena Khomutova-Miller
• 2011: It started as part of the ‘Changing Chelmsford’ initiative https://www.academyofurbanism.org.uk/changing-chelmsford/
• 2011-2017: High Chelmer Shopping Centre kindly provided a pop-up space to respond to a call for a creative community provision for the community. High Chelmer is still kindly sponsoring the Ideas Hub (with support such as banner advertising, space for projects, etc)
• 2011-2015: Developed by 3 co-founders: Heather Hall, Yogesh Taylor and Leaonie Ramondt
• 2015: Became a registered charity (CIO – Charitable Incorporated Organisation). Ran a cafe as a fundraising tool also a ‘creative incubator’.
• 2017: Moved into a pop-up workshop space in Chelmsford Library (twice a week) whilst developing outreach projects and carrying on its online information, support & services.
• 2018: Re-established in Chelmsford Library, including a befriending art café (providing listening, support and signposting), and creative workshops designed to support wellness.
2020: Creating a community creative space – The Art Place – in Meadows Shopping Centre – offering a selling platform for creatives (also our fundraiser), a maker space/shared studio, free & paid creative workshops, whilst still providing befriending, signposting & outreach projects.
The Ideas Hub is run ‘By the community for the Community’: that’s why the Ideas Hub was created and how it has operated ever since its onset.