Schools · Young People · Families · Past Projects · Resources
An important part of well-being is having a career that fits your skills and interests.
Ideas Hub Chelmsford wants to ensure that the young people of Chelmsford have opportunities that will enable them to experience well-being throughout their lives. Ideas Hub Chelmsford raises money from grants to create STEAM projects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths).
Through our projects, young people:
- Find early opportunities they may otherwise not have known existed.
- Acquire new and transferable skills.
- Develop knowledge and inspiration.
A key strength of Ideas Hub Chelmsford is its close link to local artists, creatives and engineers. With storytellers, performers, digital artists, animators, historians and designers. The Schools Programme introduces teachers and young people to a wealth of professional experience available on their doorstep.
Since 2016, Ideas Hub Chelmsford has worked on STEAM projects with Trinity Road Primary School, Parkwood Academy, Kings Road Primary School, Writtle Infant and Junior schools, and Lawford Mead school. Our projects also support the Artsmark Award.
Ideas Hub Chelmsford participates to the well-being days and volunteering fairs organised by local secondary schools, colleges & universities in addition to providing work experience for their students and Essex Council Traineeship program. Ideas Hub Chelmsford is a keen advocate of Chelmsford LCEP’s work and provides support when needed. Ideas Hub Chelmsford has developed a range of resources for schools, as part of the project supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund which can be accessed under the heading ‘Resources’.
“Can you thank your whole team for me – they are running another incredible project that is having a real impact on our children.”

“May I congratulate you on a superb finale. This has been a great educational event and – going by last evening’s turnout – an outstanding community experience”
Young People
Ideas Hub Chelmsford is passionate about providing inspiring, inclusive, and diverse, creative experiences for the young people in Chelmsford which they feel proud to add to their CV and to their personal statement if applying for university.
- To join our art group on Saturdays, 2pm-4pm in Chelmsford City centre, please contact Jenni Flint at: artgroup@ideashubchelmsford.org
- Take part in unmissable free events such as Young Artist of the Month Exhibition/ creative and career-focused workshops, and festivals. Explore new skills, unlock your creativity, and gain an insight into the creative industries. To find out more, check What’s On and/or email sofia@ideashubchelmsford.org
- To do an Arts Award: www.artsaward.org.uk, please contact:
edithmiller@ideashubchelmsford.org - To do volunteering as part of your Duke of Edinburgh and/or work experience for school and/or building experience to support your Home Education
“I would just like to say how thankful Joe and I are of your support and great inspiration throughout the project. It has been a fantastic experience that I will always remember. Hope to see you in the future.”

Take part in our weekend and holiday events and workshops. The ever-changing programme encourages play, learning, and creativity. For more please check What’s On and/or email sofia@ideashubchelmsford.org
Past Projects
‘Crompton and Chelmsford Pioneers’ Light Parade (March 22- Feb 23)
STEAM school project with Parkwood Academy, Kings Road Primary School & Chelmsford Community Light Parade. Supported as part of a £98,000 grant from National Lottery Heritage Fund (School part) & a £20,000 grant from Arts Council England (Community part)

Exploration of 100 th Anniversary of radio & ‘2MT’ Light Parade (Sept 21- Feb 22)
STEAM school project with Writtle Infant and Junior school & Writtle Community Light Parade. Supported as part of a £98,000 grant from the National Lottery Heritage Funding & a sponsorship from Writtle Parish Council

‘Chelmsford Lockdown and Future Hope’ Light Parade (Sept 20 – Feb 21)
Light parade with Kings Road Primary School and Writtle Junior School supported by a grant from the Ragdoll Foundation

A Tree.Mend.Us Day (March 20)
An animation about the environment created at a family day in partnership with Essex Book Festival – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJlnFbaLnc8

Shellshock 19-19-2019 (July 19 – Dec 19)
One hundred years of mental health: Summer project with 20 students who researched at the Essex Record Office, creating an animated film with music composed by Joseph Metcalf. The animated film was presented in their school assembly, and has been entered into the Harwich Film Festival supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Chelmsford YMCA & Boswell School’s Music department.

Chelmsford Light Parade (Jan 19 – Oct 19)
STEAM child-led project managed by pupils from Parkwood Academy and Kings Road Primary School. Supported by a grant from supported by a grant from the Ragdoll Foundation

Chelmsford Light Parade (Sept 18- Oct 18): Remembrance Parade
Light Parade with Trinity Road Primary School and Ethnically Diverse Groups. Supported by Crowdfunding.

Ideas Hub Chelmsford offers resources that may be useful to you as a teacher/school.
BBC Micro:bit: are wonderful little microprocessors, easy to use and a great way to deliver STEAM activities or get pupils to develop an interest in coding through play.
- Introduction for Micro:bit Kit
https://drive.google.com/file/d/19YwTqM82Y92kOZU_GjSpslh_yl870-D1/view?usp=share_link - Instructions for Light Parade Kits
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PeJRkxlVjToU34duD2fU7_8ktuJjllal/view?usp=share_link - Mounting of Neopixels in Lanterns
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yfXxUXtCr6VlW6LZ1PxmwOvlAUiXZCkF/view?usp=share_link - Using Micro:bit in Interdisciplinary Projects in Schools
https://drive.google.com/file/d/13fHrQLHYKIlQM1qKO7IbiLV5lLrrGNlN/view?usp=share_link - Example Code
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1raVT6tOP5o8TGNtXXPLK2U304IxdfxCA?usp=share_link - Tutorials
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jCpwl1xsnJ2-6UJcOPRWIc3W86DOV3H0?usp=share_link - Quick Test Code for 2023 RKUBT2 Kits
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RfaAi1IPCBFBI9XwUV45WiO5-uUhKLNI?usp=share_link - Battery Life
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DgvVZYEkZ9exzKfBWJPX3CXSpH9N6dSN?usp=share_link - Quick Start Neopixel Base Code and Reference
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CB8fZod4MqCeUuiIKHf3tk2OuIgoxPhF?usp=share_link - Building Your own Board
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19rbqT1AhBVwDdV6106Nr628dF72Q8Crx?usp=share_link - Testing Your Resources
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ItsJ2M4PcEHHvJYTxn2qBYgUH6Vfx0EN/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=105989690183061280254&rtpof=true&sd=true - Setting up Your Own Kit
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/140NGHxK_v5NL4OH2LvruJj3mFbIygt5J?usp=share_link - Troubleshooting
Mental Health
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJlnFbaLnc8 (a small animation about the history of Mental Health)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUqpS6NJOyc (a storytelling approach to the theme of dying
- CPD Document for Teachers about Local History
https://drive.google.com/file/d/19pumhqTC4eVn8qHjF17EBQL1vpoNJ-Cv/view?usp=share_link - Walking Through Chelmsford – a History Trail
https://issuu.com/the_art_place/docs/untitled_ design_1_